Best way to grow Youtube Channel Organically from 0 Subscribers

This can be your life-changing Blog if your “Content is King” but still you are struggling to grow on Youtube. By this tip, You can rapidly grow your channel within 1-2 months.

People say that Youtube is dying for Content Creators who are starting in 2021, this is not true. The interesting fact is that 30% of the fields are still unexplored on Youtube. 

Yes, it is totally worth starting a Youtube Channel in 2021. New Content Creators think that everything is covered or having high competition. High competition is a good sign for those who are starting Youtube in 2021 because it means that more and more people want to consume that type of content. 

The only thing that people lack is the motivation to take Initiative. I can 100% guarantee that you will get success on the Youtube channel in 2021 if you follow the Youtube Algorithm. You can get views even with high competition if you follow the tips I mentioned below– 

If your content is good then surely there will be some problem with the 3 T’s-

  1. Title
  2. Tags
  3. Thumbnail

Q.1 How to choose a Title on Youtube?
  1. Don’t use unusual Titles in the initial days. This is the major mistake people commit. 
  2. Use to the point Titles. 
  3. Title should be clear and should summarize the whole Video.
  4. Title should include the keywords. 
For example, My title is – “Best Tip to Grow Youtube Channel Organically in 2021” in this, “Grow Youtube Channel Organically” is the keyword. 

Other words in the TITLE are the adjectives to attract the viewers. I’ll talk about adjectives later in this blog. 

Q.2 How TubeBuddy can help in choosing the right Title?

TubeBuddy shows monthly Search Volume and Competition of every keyword on Youtube. By this, You can easily get the #1 Rank on Youtube Search. 

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You can also easily access the Related Searches. This will definitely help you in getting the ideas about your future content and what the Viewers want to see. 

In the image below, You can observe that the tool also focuses on Keyword stuffing in the Title, Tags, and Description.
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“Higher the Search Volume, Less the Competition
 More the chances to get high views and Ranking”

Advantages of Choosing the Right Title

It helps in getting traffic not only from Youtube but also from Google. Example below-

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These Videos rank  #2 on Google Search. Now, You can easily gain traffic from 2 Sources(Youtube and Google). This will also help in getting traffic from different Countries.

Getting traffic from other countries which have high currency rates will lead to higher profits on our Youtube Channel.

For example- If I am living in India and getting traffic from USA and UK then I can earn high profit.

Other than that, TITLE can also work as a source to get more views. Some most important factors I mentioned Below-

Some of the most important things to rank faster from Title along with the keyword are mentioning the following-

1. Year- Mentioning the recent year in the video can definitely help in ranking higher. Youtube Algorithms focus understands the changing preferences of the viewers every year. Therefore, Youtube down the rankings of outdated content.  

2. Language- Mentioning the language help in targeting a specific audience. Youtube Algorithms 

3. Location- Similarly, Location helps in targeting the specific audience for a particular geography.

4. Adjectives- Adding attractive adjectives can bait the viewers to click on your video over the competitors. If people click on your Video first then Youtube tends to rank you higher than the competitor.

In the image below, The video rank 1st on the keyword “How to grow on Youtube” because he used the adjectives like “Fast”, “One Day” and “100% working”.


One more thing that is responsible for his higher ranking is using the correct tags (mentioned in the circle above). He used the appropriate tags that his competitors missed. So, Let’s talk about Tags in detail.


Tags are the super most important thing to grow your Youtube Channel organically. Tags are the keywords that your video the best. It helps Youtube to understand your content to the fullest.

Here I am explaining how Tags work with Youtube algorithms.Tags are the keywords that people search in the Youtube Search Bar.

One best thing about Tags is that if your tags matched with your competitor then the viewer of that Video will also be recommanded with your Video in the recommandation Bar. This is the power of Tags. 

Let me show you one of the example by an image below-


This is the example of a Youtuber with just 10K Subscribers. Still, he is ranking in the top 5 in all the tags he mentioned because-
  1. He used Appropriate tags with high Search Volume
  2. He has chosen a very specific keyword in Title
  3. He mentioned Adjective (“FAST”) and Year (2021) 

TubeBuddy is a tool in which we can access the search volumes and competition on each and every tag. Therefore, we can easily choose the appropriate tags according to our Youtube Videos. 

It also help you in accessing the tags used by top Youtubers so you can easily copy their tags to grow your Video too. It works only if you are making a Video on the same topic. 
Otherwise, You have to do tags research with the help of TubeBuddy.


The reason why people click on your Video is your Thumbnail. Thumbnails should not be manipulative but should be most appropriate to the video. 

The key features of the best Thumbnail are-
  1. Should Look Professional (Use tools like Snappa)
  2. Should be attractive
  3. Attach your face with the reaction for Branding yourself
  4. Should have a tagline
  5. Information should be easily readable in it
  6. Most importantly, should be related to the Video
It is worth it to invest 10 minutes on Thumbnail. This can drastically impact your Video performance. TubeBuddy can also help you to make quality thumbnails using still frames from your Videos. 

Q.2 Why so many less deserving videos rank higher on Youtube?

The simple reason is the 3Ts- Title, Tags, and Thumbnail. One best example is Reaction Video earning more views than the creator just by appropriate use of 3Ts.

This is a reaction channel that is using videos of Bhuvan Bam and making views more than Bhuvan Bam therefore Carryminati is roasting them.

Imagine now, your content is good and you get my trick to grow organically. Now, nothing can stop you.

Even big creator like Carryminati is using TubeBuddy from his initial days when he was not so successful. This is the secret recipe of every big Youtuber to achieve success (The 3Ts).

Tips to become a Successful Youtuber in 2021

Make Videos on more specific topics

Top Youtuber make Videos on general topics which leads to the non-coverage of so many important aspects of the particular topic.

See the top videos of your particular niche and think about the things that the top YouTubers in their videos did not covered yet. 

Make Long-tail Title to describe the Youtube Algorithm about the targetted audience of your Video. The best thing about long-tail Titles is that you can get subscribers easily who can watch every video of yours.

For example, there are 500 people who make a video on the topic  “Unlimited Pizza in India” but there are only 5-6 people who made a Video on “Unlimited Pizza in Delhi”.

2. Do Keyword Research on Youtube

1. Open your Youtube Channel after login to TubeBuddy

2. Write the keyword according to your niche in the search bar. For example- “Fashion tips” 

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You will also get content ideas from the search bar of Youtube. Also, the search bar recommends the most common searches. The last thing is to check the competition on the particular keyword (Your video Title).

3. There is a tool called TubeBuddy which shows the Competition and Searches per month on the keyword. I choose the keyword “Fashion Tips for Men”
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We can see Fashion Tips for Men is getting 57,100 searches per month (high traffic) and it is a good keyword to target.

This is how you can make videos get traffic easily by using this strategy. With this strategy, You can get high traffic on any niche.

2. Use Youtube Shorts Feature

Short Video content is the future of so many industries like Entertainment, E-commerce, Affirmations, Motivation, Health Tips, Facts, and Guidance.

Youtube Shorts is a quick way to grab the attention of people. The best thing about shorts is that the subscribe button is attached with it.

Youtube is observing the watching behavior of the viewer then it refer to videos according to it. For example- If I love to watch food Vlogs then the Food Vlogs video will be recommended to me.

There is less competition on Youtube Shorts till now so this is the best time to take the early advantage. After observing the response on Instagram Stories and Reels.

The best thing about Youtube Shorts is that you are getting the targetted audience of your niche. If you are a fashion influencer, a gamer, a business, a comedian, or a vlogger then this feature will give you audience who will watch you again and again.

Try to make videos that will leave an impact in just 1 minute. There should be an emotion in the Video. For example- Funny, Affirmation, reality, or Knowledge.

Try to give a message that people will connect with. Think according to people. Do something that will add value to their life.

3. Use Title and Tags properly

The most underrated thing on Youtube is the proper use of Titles and Tags. The aspect which creators lack the most. 

Tags and Titles are the things responsible for organic traffic from Youtube.

TubeBuddy is a tool by which you can copy tags used by Top Youtubers on their Video. The best thing about this tool is that it recommends tags for your particular channel. 

The TubeBuddy tool shows how many people search about any topic. However, this feature is paid but the above feature is free of cost. Let me show it with the help of an example-

You%2Bcan%2Bsee%2Bthe%2Branking%2Bof%2Bthis%2BVideo%2Bon%2Bevery%2Btag%2Band%2Byou%2Bcan%2Bcopy%2Bthese%2Btags%2Bon%2Byour%2BVideo min

You can see above the renowned Technical guruji use organic tags to drive traffic on a Video that is even not related to his niche. This is the power of proper use of Titles and Tags. The video got 16 million views which is his most popular video on Youtube.

Almost all the top big Youtuber Businesses, marketers, and top Youtuber use these tools to grow faster. Even after making a successful brand name. Still, big Youtuber try their best to drive organic traffic with the help of these tools.

You just have to log in and this tool will automatically be attached to your Youtube. I have given one more example of a less famous Youtuber getting 500k views just because of the proper Title and Tags.

4. Make Videos on Trending Topics

Literally, people watch every video on the topic which is trending. Use this trick to grow fast. Make at least 4-5 videos on trending topics. 

If someone watches a Video on Top Youtube Channels then it is a high chance that your video will also be recommended. Relate trending memes to your content, people love it. 

Include the trending topic name in your Title as a Keyword. The search volume on trending videos 

One exception is if you are running a Business on Youtube then you have to be professional. Think according to your target audience that they will like that particular trending thing or not.

The conclusion is- Trending topics can make your videos Trending 

5. Explore the Unexplored

Think how wide or how specific you can think. I saw a Youtube channel having 4.3 Million Subscribers just by showing how they rescue snakes. A Meme explaining Channel having 1 Million Subscribers.

Think about an idea of a Youtube Channel which is not yet discovered.

Bhuvan Bam, Carryminati, Technical Guruji, Flying Beast, and Dynamo Gaming everyone explored their own fields and introduced something new and today they are the best in their own field. 

Don’t copy others and start something created by you.You are a creator, not a follower”- Think much about the last line I said and first find the thing in which you can do better than others. 

Do something unique and better than others. Every creator but their efforts but if you are the only creator in your niche then you will be the king of that niche on Youtube.

New Creators start on the niche in which people are already successful. Think of something in which you have unlimited knowledge, ideas, and content. 

Let assume that Bhuvan bam should start a cooking channel because people watch cooking videos back in 2010. Maybe he will be the most unsuccessful person in terms of cooking. So try something which is your cup of tea.

The most important aspect is to generate organic traffic. People are mostly dependent upon social media promotion which is a very bad strategy for beginners because this will increase your Bounce Rate on the Video.

The social media strategy will surely demotivate you because people will definitely watch your first video. But after few videos, there will be a stage where only a few people will watch your video from social media.

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