Instagram Reels vs Youtube Shorts: Which is Better?

After TikTok, Now it’s a battle between Youtube Shorts Vs Instagram Reels. Earlier Instagram enters into the long-Video content by introducing IGTV. 

Let’s analyze the battle of Youtube Vs Instagram in the Short Video Content based on different aspects like Money, Growth, Professionalism and Organic Traffic etc and will opt which platform is better.

So many Short Video Apps enter the market like Josh, Instagram Reels, and Youtube Shorts. After reading this Blog, You will be able to choose the best platform according to your strengths. 

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1. Instagram Reels vs Youtube Shorts in terms of Professionalism

Instagram reels are for those who do things just for fun. On the other hand, Youtube Shorts for those who want to work professionally.

However, some creators are making good content even on Instagram, but their numbers are very less. 

But you can’t rely on Instagram reels for a long time and you have to shift to a platform in which you can get paid for advertisements. 

It’s like Instagram is becoming the new TikTok in terms of Content but it is giving a platform to every Individual to showcase their talent among their followers. 

Youtube is more Professional because all the professional Content Creators are spending most of their time on growing Youtube. Therefore, there are chances of getting a good and targetted audience. 

Youtube is very organized in promoting the most appropriate content. There is wide scope to grow organically on Youtube.

So, you should opt for Youtube Shorts in terms of Professionalism.

2. Instagram Reels vs Youtube Shorts in terms of Money

So many YouTubers start their career on Instagram and then shifted to Youtube. Due to a simple reason that you can monetize your video on Youtube. 

They started with Instagram because they need a platform where they can create short videos and promote them with the help of their friends. 

Now you can start it with Youtube Shorts directly and get subscribers from the very beginning. You can share your Youtube Video on Instagram stories rather than using Reels. 

People start their journeys from Instagram to gain audience but ultimately for money they have to shift to Youtube.

Youtube has funded 100 million dollars for the Youtube Shorts feature. There are 9 other ways to earn money on Youtube.

You can earn money from Instagram Reels through brand endorsements but for that, you should have-

  1. Huge amount of Followers, at least above 25k followers
  2. Good Image, not the tag of “Fake Influencer”
  3. Consistent Reel Engagement, make a Community
  4. Self-Branding, like Virat Kohli, The Rock, and Alia Bhatt
So, if you want to monetize then you should opt for Youtube Shorts unless you fulfill at least 2 of the criteria given above.

3. Instagram Reels vs Youtube Shorts in terms of Organic Traffic and Reach

Youtube Shorts is currently in the Beta Version (For experiment) due to which it is giving a huge amount of organic traffic and good reach. You can easily get engagement if you use the correct hashtags. 

There are 2 Types of Hashtags that will help you grow on Youtube-

  1. Trending Hashtags (like- #shorts #pawrihorihai)
  2. Niche Hashtags (that help Youtube to understand your Target Audience)
Both Hashtags are very crucial if you want to grow on Youtube Shorts. I am recommending an App/website which will help you find 3 hashtags for free- TubeBuddy.
When Instagram Reels are in Beta Version, It is also given organic traffic and good reach similar to Youtube Shorts is giving right now. But now, Instagram Reels are more saturated and you will hardly get Organic Traffic on 1 video out of 15-20.

Youtube takes only starting hustle than your videos will be automatically recommended to the Viewers.
You can notice that you will be shown Youtube Shorts of a particular channel on daily basis but Instagram Reels work according to followers and content preference of the viewer. Reels will never show something new.
So, If you want to grow organically then you should go with Youtube Shorts.

4. Instagram Reels vs Youtube Shorts in terms of Time

Youtube is a Long-term game where you have to be patient. Now, it’s not the case. You can make so many Youtube shorts to promoting your other Videos.

Short Videos like Bloopers, Benefits and value-added in that long-Video.

Reels is a Short-term game and you can instantly get views because your followers are mainly your friends. They will definitely watch your reels. The views on Instagram can only give you short dopamines. 

It is a platform where most of the people are getting views for no reason (So much Cringe Content). There is Cringe content on Youtube but comparatively, it is less.

Youtube Shorts also offers 60 seconds video whereas Instagram Reels offers only 30 seconds video. You can retain audience with Youtube Shorts for a long time.

So, you should opt for Youtube Shorts in terms of Time.


5. Instagram Reels vs Youtube Shorts in terms of Engagement and Interaction 

Instagram has an upper hand. If you have a good amount of followers and if you are an extrovert person.

Reels can be put on Instagram stories so people can easily access them with just a click. You can promote engagement from Facebook as well with the help of Instagram.

In terms of organic traffic, Reels are dying. You can only get traffic if you have a good network of friends and they can share your video on their stories.

So, If you love to interact and you can post Stories, Post, Live Sessions, and Reels very frequently then you should start with Instagram Reels

6. Instagram Reels vs Youtube Shorts in terms of Career Growth

You can promote your Instagram through Youtube but you can’t promote Youtube from Instagram.

In the case of Instagram, You can just promote only one link that also will be in your Bio. 

So Instagram is not a good platform to promote your other platforms. Instagram is hyped because of the large no. of audience present there and everyone checks it so frequently.

If you start something new apart from your existing work then you can easily promote it on Youtube by giving a link in the Description Box. 

So, If you want to grow Content Creation as a Career then you should opt for Youtube Shorts


In my Personal opinion, Youtube Shorts is better considering all the aspects above. There is one mandatory thing is to be present on Instagram to build a community. 

I compared Instagram Reels and Youtube Shorts only. Therefore, Actively post Stories and Post to make people aware that you are a Content Creator and you are uploading on daily basis and people should watch it out.

Why people say use trending hashtags because the search volume on it is obviously high but what if you know on which keyword or tag the search volume is high.


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